Saturday, January 15, 2011

January 3–9, 2011

Attached for your reading pleasure is our latest (but not late) report of life in Norway. 
mom and dad/gerald and nancy/grandma and grandpa/nana and granddad
We will try to get this done in only one week this time. The year has started off in a hurry and it will only get faster as it moves forward.
On Monday afternoon, we had a phone call from a woman who used to be a member of the branch, but has “written herself out” of the Church (had her name removed).. She had just bought a new computer and wanted to know if I could help her get it set up. She said, “I didn’t know if I could ask you to do this since I am no longer a member.” I told her that we are still friends, so there is no reason for her to hesitate to call. After thinking about it for a while, I called Elder Gardner (our resident computer geek) and asked if he and his companion had time to help her. We picked them up and went to her home where Elder Gardner soon had her new PC working like she wanted. We then hurried to the church where we had a small (4 young adults, Harald Myhren and the two of us), but fun group at family home evening. Most of the young adults are still out of town for the holidays and those that are here have worked a lot during the holidays.
The Family Home Evening lesson was given by Lisa, a convert of about 2 years from China. This was her first attempt and she did a really great job. It is fun to see these young people grow in their abilities and confidence.
After the lesson, we played a fun game called Villa Paletti. It is a “building” game along the lines of Jenga, but with some interesting twists. If you have a chance to buy one, it is a lot of fun and will entertain kids from about 8 up to us old folks.

Tuesday was our first District meeting under the leadership of our new DL, Elder Mathews, from AZ. His father was raised in the Columbia Basin—family comes from Mathews Corners. He is a good missionary and we are pleased to have him in Trondheim. He has been in Alesund (south of us) for the past 6 months and is excited to be in a bigger town with a sizeable branch.
After District meeting, we visited several older members, attended the branch council meeting (Gerald) and choir (Nancy). After council meeting I took the sisters out to visit an investigator who lives about 25 km out of town toward the airport.
Wednesday was a visit with less active members followed by dinner for the missionaries. Mom would normally cook dinner for the young adults and missionaries on Wednesday night before institute and although we have not held institute since mid December, we figured we might as well stay in the habit of fixing dinners, so we have continued even though most of the young adults are gone. Missionaries still have to eat.
On Thursday, we visited a less active sister who has recently had surgery to remove a cancerous tumor in her stomach. She had her first chemo treatment on Wednesday and asked for a blessing afterward. So we visited with her and her daughter who had just arrived on Tuesday from Bangkok, Thailand to spend some time with her mother as she recuperates. It is interesting that many people who do not come to church regularly, for one reason or another, still have the faith to ask for a priesthood blessing when they are in need. It is a great comfort to us to know that we are able to help in this manner.
Two weeks ago, the 2nd counselor in the branch presidency asked if we could give talks in church on the 9th. Then last Sunday evening the branch president sent an email and asked when our last Sunday would be. After we responded that it would be the 6th of February, he sent back and said, “I know you are talking on the 9th but I would like for you to talk on the 30th as well, since that will be the last meeting to hear from you other than the testimony meeting on the 6th. On Saturday evening, the counselor told me that he had lined up another speaker for the 9th and he (the counselor) would talk, so we would not need to talk both weeks. I told him I had a talk prepared and was happy to do both days, but thought that Nancy would appreciate a reprieve, so she got a break. Actually she had her talk prepared and planned to give the same talk on the 16th when we visit Mo I Rana, but was not unhappy that she only had to play the organ in Church today.
Saturday afternoon was the branch “juletrefest” (Christmas tree party). It is an annual affair, usually the 2nd Saturday after the new year. It is primarily for the children to enjoy dancing around the Christmas tree, but the adults seem to enjoy it as much as the kids. Santa (julenissen) came and had a bag of goodies for each child and there were plenty of snacks for all. We were pleased to have one of the less active families we visit come to the party. This week, the Christmas tree will be taken down and stored until next year.
After church today, we were invited to the home of Kjell and Margareth Paulsen for dinner. Their son, Erik and wife Eli-Kristin and their 1-1/2 year old daughter were also there, as they have just returned from 6 months study in New Zealand. It was a fun afternoon visiting with the family and we enjoyed a good Norsk dinner.
The mother of one of the branch members was visiting from Bergen today and as we were saying good-bye to her we realized that we will not see her again before we leave Trondheim. She was previously the Mission Relief Society president and we have enjoyed visiting with her as she has come to conferences here and on other social occasions to visit family. We try not to think of these things because it would be too painful to dwell on it, but suddenly you realize as you say good bye, that it will truly be good bye. We have truly come to feel a love for the people here in Trondheim as well as other places where we are blessed to visit.
We are enjoying “warmer” weather now—back above freezing on occasion and for the most part around -6 to -2 C, which seems balmy after what we experienced in November and December.
We send our love to each of you and look forward to seeing you soon.
Mom and dad/Gerald and Nancy/grandma and grandpa/nana and granddad

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