Saturday, September 12, 2009

Meanwhile back on the homefront:

Grandkids are starting school, fall sports are beginning and so much more!
Steven and Rozann
*Brianna was baptized on her birthday Aug 29, 2009
Jeff and Rozann spoke
Tanner and Alison gave the prayers
Steven baptized and confirmed Brianna a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Sunday, August 16, 2009
Hello there,
We’ve been home from our vacation/family reunions for a week now and have quickly gotten back into the swing of things.  (While on vacation we saw Steve’s parents off on their mission to Norway, so now I have better motivation for writing.)
Tanner started football practice from 6:00-8:30p Monday night.  He missed the first week of practice while we were gone, so the rest of the team was suited up in pads already.  He had to complete his time of conditioning before he could wear pads on Wednesday.  He is excited to be able to tackle at tomorrow’s practice.  Steve, of course, couldn’t handle just watching so he is now coaching.  He said he wasn’t just going to wait for them (the other coaches) to ask him to help.  Since Steve basically TOLD them he was coaching, he was a little unsure of his position and cautious about being too overbearing (especially after missing the first week).  However, he is already making a positive contribution.
Tuesday we attended the school open house so the kids could meet their teachers.  Tanner is in 4th, and his teacher is Ms. Pickrell.  Brianna is in 3rd grade.  She has the same teacher Tanner had last year—Ms. Zent.  Ashley is in 1st grade with Mrs. Bub.  School started Wednesday.  Shay has been quite bored with all her playmates gone.  One morning the kids went to school before she woke up.  She walked around the house asking and looking for them.  She couldn’t understand where they all went.
This weekend we had Stake Conference.  Our stake of only 4½ years was being split.  They took one ward from our old-old stake and split us in two.  We are now in a new stake—Surprise Arizona North Stake.
The therapist we hired at the clinic started this week.  Work has been a little slow (which is normal for this time of year), but we hope that will change as snowbirds come back in town in a few months.
PS:  Tanner is so excited to play football that yesterday he asked if he could go put on his shoulder pads and helmet and tackle the big green garbage can.  J  I can’t remember exactly what was going on but it didn’t happen.
This morning as I was getting my breakfast (after all the kids had gone to school), Shay started begging for some of my food.  Seeing as she had already eaten three times this morning, I told her she already ate her breakfast.  She evidently didn’t like that answer because next thing I know she’s sitting by the sliding glass door … enjoying her food.  (The cereal WAS in the cupboard.)
Note the utensil she selected.
 Kristin's basement flooded from a broken sprinkler pipe that leaked into a window well to their basement - have been doing repairs and sending Brendan off to college at BYU-I on Monday 8/7/09.
Ryan has had his own set of challenges: 
Ok, so…last night we went to the fair, hadn’t seen but a few cows, horses and pigs, when
Paige calls me, “Dad you need to get here now, Meghan hurt her knee at practice, and she crying worse than I have ever seen her before.”
I said “who is this and why are you.. just kidding
Now I am running out of the fair, Cheri Bracken and Cam were still there, and Anita could take them.  On my way out, I called Kraig, thinking that he might be at home or near home, which is closer to Southridge. No, he is looking at the cows probably 100 yds from where I left.  Told him the news he came with me, went to the field and Paige is consoling Meghan , who is in tears ( Meghan NOT Paige, yet). 
Preliminary checks of the knee, she complains of pain down the outside of the lower leg as well, ok we’re headed for xrays. 
Get to hospital about 7 pm, and out by 10:45, not a bad way to spend an evening, Paige and I had dinner and drink (Kit Kat (stale), skittles, and a Mr.Pibb).  The food wasn’t the best and the atmosphere was less than desirable, but the company wasn’t bad.  We got Meghan to laugh a few times, as delirium started to set in.
Xrays were negative for a break of any type.
Kraig pulled some strings and got an appt this morning, with Dr. Perry, Initial is Possible tear MCL, ACL, and meniscus.  That would be the worst obviously, could just be a strain or sprain of the MCL, even though she has some pain on the back of the knee, he has ruled out the PCL….whew, at least she has passed 2 of the 4 (LCL and PCL for those medically challenged).
We have and MRI today at 2:30 pm……details to follow
If you would like the Reader’s Digest Version, it goes something like this.
Meghan injured her knee, not sure what is wrong yet, will tell you after an MRI
dad's response:
Sorry to hear of Meghan's injury. Hope the results are favorable. We will be praying for her.  We are at the church today to meet a group of young single adults. They gather on saturdays at noon to play soccer, ping pong or whatever else seems to be the thing of the day. The sun is shining this morning, so they will probably opt for soccer. I will try to not become another statistic like Meghan. We spent Wednesday in Oslo at a zone conference. Although the zone is this area in the north of the country, it is cheaper to have all of the missionaries in this zone (14) meet in Oslo, as there are no direct flights between the cities in the north. You fly to Oslo, then transfer to a flight from Oslo to whereever.  The flight was about an hour. It took us 9 hours to drive it the week before.
Give Meghan our love and let her know we care for her.
Love, mom and dad
the update:
Sorry Alison, in case it hasn’t been said, Meghan has a torn ACL on her left knee, MCL doesn’t appear to be torn, just strained, and minor tear on the back side for the meniscus.  Surgery is set for Sept. 30th not sure of a time yet.  Pre op is set for Sept. 24th, she is currently working on ROM completely straight to just beyond 90 degree.  Kraig has instructed her on the exercises, and she seems to be doing them religiously while watching practice.  Recovery will take as long as necessary without putting her back into action too soon.  Plan is 9 months for a full mental recovery, physically she might be better before then, but we will make sure.
VERY EMOTIONAL FIRST GAME……THEY WON AND MEGHAN CRIED.  Paige scored the first goal of the season for the team, and yes, she did the same thing last year as well, the year before that, she had the first YELLOW card for the team.  Always got to be first…

Kraig and Stephanie had their own blessing on the way home from the family reunion on Sunday 8/2/09: sorry I don't have all the emails that went back and forth on this.
We are glad to hear that the Lord answered your prayers through Ryan and also very glad that you were not a little further down the road when it al occurred. How about the passengers in the SUV?  Were they OK?  We did worry with all of you being on the road today, knowing that many of you did not get much sleep over the past few days. We are just closing down for the night and will leave at 730 in the morning for Provo.  I assume that since you are sending email you are home safely.
Love, Dad
On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 9:08 PM, Kraig Sorensen <> wrote:
I wanted to share an experience we had today.  We were on I-84 near mile post 26 outside of Tremonton when a SUV traveling in the southbound lanes swerved onto the shoulder, overcorrected and crossed into the median and then came up on our side of the freeway.  It continued across and rolled 2-3 times once it hit the shoulder.  This happened less than 1/2 mile in front of us.  If  we had been a few seconds ahead of where we were or if there had been a car in front of us and had been hit by the SUV I think our day would have been horrible at best and possibly tragic.  Kraig stopped the car and got out to see who was hurt while I called 911.  We waited about 20-25 minutes (although it seemed to be much longer) until the highway patrol and ambulances arrived.  After several more minutes at the scene the officer allowed us to leave.
We got in the car and offered a prayer of thanks for being spared from the accident.  Kraig and I were both very shaken by the ordeal but we continued on our way.  We were quiet for several miles.  During this time I had stopped crying, but inside I was not okay.  I could not seem to calm myself down and get a grip on what had happened.  I just kept thinking of how close we had come to something that could have changed our lives forever.  During this time I felt like if I could just call someone and tell them we were okay then maybe I would be able to process everything I had just witnessed and begin to calm down.  Everyone I could think of to call was at church and I thought I might be a little hysterical calling at that moment anyway.  So I began to silently pray for peace and calmness and I asked Heavenly Father to please let someone know that we needed a phone call to see how we were.  I remember looking at the clock and it was about 11:30 Utah time.  I prayed again at 11:50 asking again for someone to feel the need to call us.  I remember thinking that church would be over in about 10 minutes and maybe then someone would call just to "check in".  Just after noon the phone rang.  I answered it and it was Ryan.  He asked if we were on the road and everything was okay.  They had seen a van with WA plates and wondered if it was us.  I told him we were back on the road after helping at an accident.  He told me they had just driven past and seen the wrecked SUV and the troppers were just leaving the scene.  I told him that accident happend right in front of us.  He was shocked. 
Now, some may think Ryan's call was just coincidence, but I truly believe it was a whispering of the spirit telling him that we needed him.  When I ended the call a peaceful calm came over me.  I still get teary thinking about what could have been, but I also realize the blessings we received today.  I am so grateful for everyone who prayed for the safety of those of us traveling today.  Those prayers were answered many times over.
Heavenly Father is already blessing the family.  Do not worry about us.  We will take care of each other and the Lord will answer our prayers and watch over us.  I was reminded of that today.
My version of the emails back and forth:
Ryan had called them moments after passing the accident cleanup. They saw a similar van to Kraig and Stephanie's with WA plates that was involved in the accident. As they didn't know if was them, they called to see if they were okay because noone was on the scene except for emergency people.

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