Friday, September 18, 2009

OUT of the Hospital

Mom/Nancy was released from the hospital today. They still will do some tests in the morning, but she was released and is doing well.  We appreciate all of the prayers on her behalf and do feel blessed.  The introduction to the Norwegian health care system has been interesting, now we need to see how well our insurance does.  The doctors and nurses were all very good, so she has had good care. Since Sunday night she was in an isolation room because they are concerned about the MRSA (MSR???) virus.  so anyone who has been hospitalised outside of Scandanavia in the past 6 months gets isolated until they can develop cultures to confirm they do not have the MRSA bacteria.  All of her tests came back negative, so they let her go home today.

Thanks for all your prayers and concern.


Gerald and Nancy/mom and dad/elder and Sister Sorensen

quick note: 9/12/09

Thanks Al for getting this set up. I will try to get our photos on next week. We are having a movie and popcorn night with YSA and investigators tonight--so far only an investigator from Ghana and the two sisters plus us.
love, dad

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