Sunday, January 31, 2010

Jan 25 - 31, 2010

January 25 – 31, 2010 from Trondheim, Norway

Dear Family and Friends - 

Some days our “missionary work” takes twists and turns.  Monday we had to buy a new printer for our Outreach Room, order some more supplies for missionaries, had 14 to FHE (our group is growing).  The day began with a doctor’s appointment for Nancy—just a follow up to make sure things are going well—and they are.  The Dr. told us he would not be here after the end of February, as he would be taking “paternity leave” to stay home for 8 months to take care of his new daughter while his wife goes back to work—she has already been home for one year after the birth of the baby, now she goes back to work while he stays home to care for the child.  This is all at full pay for both of them.

Tuesday was our district meeting and the zone leaders (Elder Hunsaker and Elder Harris) were here to spend the day with Elders Henshaw and Richardson.  They made good contributions to the district meeting and were glad to be able to partake of our pizza lunch afterward.  We met the elders at the church in the afternoon to participate in teaching one of their investigators.

Wednesday we started the day by picking up Nadia Haugen, (one of our YSA who had been to America for 3 weeks), at the train station (she was arriving by bus from Oslo) took something to the sisters and then to the elders and then home for breakfast.  It seems we spent the whole day getting in and out of the car.  We had a good institute dinner (prepared by Egil) and a good class discussion. A new institute teacher, Oscar Berg has been called and he taught the lesson tonight, so Gerald was able to enjoy the day.  After institute, a few of the YSA stayed around to play some games for a while.  When we were coming home at night, it was “what did we do today”?

Thursday, Gerald and Shina went to visit one of our less active young single adults at the café where he works. They had a good pastry and were able to visit for a few minutes.  Afterward, we went to visit one of the older members in the branch, Jan Erik Carlsen, who is recovering from a skin infection. He was feeling a little down, so we went to visit. He loves music, so I played his piano for him while he and Gerald talked. Occasionally he would come over to the piano and sing along with the song I was playing, then go back to talking again. He was in better spirits when we left.

Friday night we had an International Night with the YSA.  We had Lisa from China, Shina from Nigeria, Sister Moholt said a few things about Denmark, we talked about Norwegian differences to all.  Of course, we had to add a few American things.  We had a great time together.

Saturday afternoon we had another baptism.  That is five baptisms in about six weeks.  This man is a refuge from Nigeria.  When he came out of the water, he had a new smile on his face.

Sunday was a great day.  On the fifth Sunday and we knew that the Priesthood and Relief Society would have a combined lesson so the missionaries asked if the new converts could tell about their conversions.  We only had time for the two from Nigeria (Shina and Victor) and the one from Mozambique (Benildo).  They all spoke with great confidence about their conversion and how much the gospel was making them happy.  It was like a bit of heaven.  All have such different backgrounds.  Shina was raised going to boarding school which he says is common in his country.  Benildo is here studying on a scholarship offered to only four people from Mozambique.  He leaves at home a wife and two small children.  The baby was born a month after he left.  When we were watching his family pictures on Saturday, he reached up to the computer screen to stroke the baby’s face.  He came to Norway to get a degree and find the gospel for his family.

In Sacrament Meeting the sister converts told about their conversions.  One is a young sister (Lisa) from China who joined the church about 6 years ago in Cypress and the other a 50-ish Norwegian woman (Anny).  Anny told of the Word of Wisdom problems she had to overcome.  She has been taking lots of medicines and is trying to work out of those and she has lost 40 lbs.  She is doing great. 

There was a group of about 9 students (studying to be teachers) in attendance at church for the whole 3 hour block of time. They are finding out about other religions, as they will teach religion in school. One of the branch members suggested that they attend our meetings to get first hand knowledge. Two weeks ago there were 3 and last week 20, so we are getting a lot of opportunity to help them know what we believe.  The missionaries and several of the YSA sang in sacrament meeting. Considering that they had not practices together, it turned out well. Gerald sang with them and I played the piano.

One of the less active sisters (Catherina Bjørnevåg) we have been visiting attended with her 4 children; this is their 3rd week in a row, so we are quite happy to see them in church each week.

We are enjoying this opportunity to be in Norway sharing the gospel with the people from all over the world and seeing the happiness it brings into their lives. We serve with wonderful young missionaries and good, strong members who fellowship these new converts. It is exciting to look at the congregation each week and see the various nationalities in attendance. God is certainly blessing the missionary work in Norway and at the same time blessing other nations through those who are joining the church here and will return to their own countries to strengthen the church there.

Love to all,
Mom and dad/Gerald and Nancy/grandma and grandpa/Elder and Sister Sorensen

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